How to preserve extra virgin olive oil | Pangia DPO 100% made in Italy


The results of our efforts is an extra virgin olive oil of exceptional quality, with a thousand flavors and nuances…

good italian extra virgin olive oil

The quality and perfection of the olive oil is preserved by the shade and the cool.
A correct preservation is essential to maintain the quality level achieved at the pressing.

Pangia Family, oil since 1870 - Rotello (CB) Italy.


Small containers to preserve the great nobility and flavour.
In order to ensure a consistent quality we have chosen to package the oil in stainless steel 5 liters cans and dark glass 500 mL bottles. This is to ensure that once opened, the oil will not come into extensive contact with air, light and heat that can cause a loss of aroma and flavour, and damage the organoleptic qualities. In fact, the chlorophyll, which is present in the olive oil, which if comes into contact with the oxygen-rich air and the light, both direct and diffused, will give rise to a degenerative phenomena such as the photo-oxidation. For this reason, the oil must always be kept in containers slightly permeable both to light and air. Dark glass and stainless steel are the best materials for the preservation of the olive oil, because they don’t release any substance in the oil and they protect it completely. The extra virgin olive oil should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from heat sources and in places with no big temperature range (between 14 and 20 °C). Some evaluators are fond of new oil “Novello”, the one that just left the mill. The new oil has an unusual flavour that can satisfy the most traditional palates: in fact, in ancient times, the time of new oil was a time of celebration, when people used to gather together to taste the new, just pressed juice and to compare opinions and impressions and to enjoy the oil in its full energy.